Thursday, June 1, 2017

North Korea Launches Its Own iPad...

A North Korean tech company has launched its own tablet computer, called the "Ryonghung iPad."
Despite the similarities in name, the tablet doesn't have much in common with Apple's well-known gadget .

According to an advertising campaign spotted in a foreign trade magazine, the North Korean iPad only has 40 apps to choose from and 8GB of internal storage space.

However, it will allow users to look at documents and "read different sources of digital information" as well as coming with a keyboard attachment.

According to the advertising campaign, the tablet was first revealed at a North Korean expo in 2016 and has become massively popular among North Koreans.

Among the apps are a calculator, a dictionary and a farming app. There is also an app that comes on an SD card that can "diagnose up to 1,200 ailments."

It's unlikely the company behind the tablet, Myohyang IT, will be attempting to market the Ryonghung iPad outside of North Korea.

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