Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ronaldo unveils 'horrifying' bronze bust of himself as airport is named after him........(VIDEO)

Cristiano Ronaldo has helped unveil a new statue in his own honour, as the Aeroporto da Madeira was renamed after the island's most famous son.Image result for Cristiano Ronaldo

What should have been a joyous celebration of a glittering career, though, has been sidetracked by criticism of the Portuguese star's bronze likeness.

Questions have been asked as to whether the face actually resembles Ronaldo's in any way, with other assessments of the sculptor's handiwork ranging from "questionable" to "horrifying". 

The Real Madrid forward put on a brave face at the ceremony in Funchal, Madeira on Wednesday, though a man who prides himself so much on his winsome complexion cannot be best pleased with this particular artist's impression of him.

Ronaldo's fans and admirers didn't seem to mind too much as they posed for pictures after the official unveiling.

Check some hilarious tweets below.....

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The Cristiano Ronaldo statue looks creepier the more you zoom in 👀

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That new Ronaldo statue is amazing. Incredible likeness.

I don't know what you're talking about guys, I think the Ronaldo statue looks pretty good

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Madeira Airport is now called Cristiano Ronaldo Airport..

Not quite sure why they have the head from Art Attack in there though?🤔

That new Christiano Ronaldo bust outside the airport in Madeira......

A painting of Cristiano Ronaldo has been revealed in Madeira airport 

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Good news for that town in upstate New York: the creepy Lucille Ball statue is now a less-creepy Ronaldo statue.

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You vs the guy she told you not to worry about 

The Cristiano Ronaldo airport bust has made my whole week 🤣🤣🤣

Oof. Yep, that bust is a bust.

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