Monday, March 20, 2017

OMG!!!....LOOK what they did to this Innocent Baby....(PHOTOS)

An Australian based photographer, Donnay Zulberg has been called out after sharing this baby photo shoot.
Many believe its WRONG in all angles, with regards to the baby's safety. Well she responded to the trolls, saying.....

"Safety first! I have had a variety of comments on this post. Do not attempt this pose without assistance or an understanding of composite work. It's what you don't see in this image that makes it work and ensures baby is safe.
I love this image and pose as this is my vision! "

"I know that this baby would be in a breech position in the womb, but posing a baby upside down in a birthing position did not appeal to me!!! I am really enjoying doing a setup that is different in the newborn photography industry! All positive feedback is welcome." 

See another photo below.....
Is this not TOO MUCH?

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