Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Amanda Bynes calls out Twitter impersonator

Amanda Bynes has lashed out at a Twitter user she claims is impersonating her.
The 30-year-old returned to Twitter on Tuesday, after being silent for 6 months, to shut down a user who is making false statements about her.
The false statements include that she is engaged and pregnant.
The ‘impersonating’ user also claims that it is Amanda’s parents who are tweeting from her verified account.
Amanda tweeted asking the social media platform to take the account impersonating her down. She also then cleared the air saying she is “not getting married and not pregnant.”
See her tweets here:

I have asked repeatedly. This person continues to impersonate and harass me and twitter needs to take the account down.
I am not @persianla27. I am not getting married and I am not pregnant. I don't understand why twitter won't take @persianla27 down.

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