A Pakistani man fell in love with an Indian girl through social media, came to this country to marry her, had a child with her and now would be deported back to his country Pakistan.
In what poses to be a big blow to the world’s biggest smartphone maker, South Korean prosecutors have said Samsung Group chief, Jay Y. Lee and four other executives will be charged with bribery and embezzlement.
A woman who kept a £20 note she found in a shop has been convicted of theft. Nicole Bailey, 23, picked up the cash at a branch of One Stop, in Blurton, Stoke-on-Trent, after it was dropped by a customer who withdrew it from a nearby cash point, police said.
Delia Mary Flores, a 53yr old American woman from Arizona shot her boyfriend seven times with a .32-caliber revolver, firing one shot into his penis and twice into his scrotum after she suspected him of cheating.